Exempt Group Organizations include:
- Law Enforcement Agencies
- Military Organizations
- Supervised Youth Groups*
- High School & Collegiate Shooting Sports Teams*
Exempt Group Organizations will be able to schedule with our organization to block out the entire range for them to host their instruction/training events free of charge. We have an online calendar section on our website in order to prevent scheduling conflicts.
*For safety reasons: Any youth sports or High School shooting sports teams using our range will need to have a designated coach to supervise the overall safety of their student athletes during any and all practice sessions.
Exempt Group Individuals include:
- Active Duty Military Members*
Exempt Group Individuals will be able to reach out to our organization in order to be permitted access to the range free of charge. Exempt group individuals will not have the entire range blocked out for them exclusively, and will need to share the facilities with other members.**
*We intend on integrating with ID.me to verify Identity and Military status. Upon verification we will issue a one year pass providing access to the range, which they would renew on a yearly basis.
** While Active Military status allows free access to all range days it does not include access to members only social events (dinners, fundraisers, raffles, entertainment events, etc.)